Tuesday, December 2, 2014

PAGE 22- 23 EXERCISES 1- 4

a) Ian McEwan is a British writer who, according to many critics, has written some of the best novels of recent years.

b) Born in 1948, he spent much of his childhood abroad as his father was an army officer.

c) He studied English literature and creative writing at the universities of Sussex and East Anglia.

d) He has written a number of successful collections of short stories and novels.

e) His novel The Child In Time won the Whitbread Novel Award in 1987.

f) His later novels, including Amsterdam, Atonement and Saturday, have been very successful.

g) Amsterdam received the Booker Prize  for Fiction in 1998.

h) Atonement and Saturday has also won literary prizes.

i) However, McEwan has always been a controversial writer.

j) Some writers accused him of stealing details in Atonement from the work of another author, Lucilla Andrews in an author's note in the.

k) However, he pointed out the acknowledgement made to Lucilla Andrews is an author's note in the book.

l) During this contoversy, the American author Thomas Pynchon wrote a defence of McEwan in a British newspaper.


The number of men and women in the US aged 60 or over still in work has been rising for more than a decade. Economists have given a number of reasons for this trend. First, since 1985 the US economy has been expanding, so there has been an increased demand for labour. At the same time, the cost of some services, such as health care, has been increasing so workers need to earn more money in later life. In addition, changes in social benefits and rules have had a considerable effect on labour patterns. First, in 1977 and 1983 changes to the Social Security raised the full benefit age from 65 to 67 and introduced other changes that make delaying retirement more attractive. Then, in 1986 the Age Discirimination Act ended compulsory retirement for all workers, allowing them to work later in life. Changes to pension laws have also encouraged workers to stay in employment longer, as this gives them more chance of a larger pension when they retire.

Friday, November 21, 2014

past, present and present continuous


transitive and intransitive verbs

1. The birdcage swung from a golden chain. Intransitive
2. Margeret angrily crumpled her letter in her fist.Transitive
3. Someone answered that question.    Transitive
4. He shuddered with fright during scary part of the movie. Intransitive
5. The rats chewed their way into the old house.Transitive
6. Acorns drop from the trees every fall. Intransitive
7. Charlie combed his hair nervously before the dance.Transitive
8. We bought paper napkins for the picnic. Transitive
9. Zelda smiled at the thought of a parade in the snow. Intransitive
10. Fish and patatoes sizzled in the pan. Intransitive

what objects are missing ?

1. You wash and i will dry. ( the dishes)
2. Are you ready to order ? ( the machine )
3. Do you drink? ( tea )
4. Who scored ? ( match)
5. It is your turn to deal. ( with this problem)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

reflection task 1a

Hi! I am Ufku. I am talking about myself. I have three brothers, one of whom is younger than me. I gruduated from Ordu Anatolian Teaching High School. My profession was English in high school.  I was born on 17 April 1995. I am aries! I like partipicate in activities; i am cheerful, ambitious and stubborn. I can socialize easily. Therefore, I was the chef of our school choir when i was in high school. I loved it, and i was a part of KTMT in METU last year.. We appeared once in KKM.

 I have learned to play the ' klasik kemençe', and i am going on for a year. I am not professional, but i am trying to play it.

I am attending  some lessons at Ankara University ' Law Faculty'. Just for fun and for being with my friends. I am having joyful time when i am there.

 I sometimes go to exibitions and museums with my best friends.

5. I dedicate myself to clasical music because i love to listen and to sing this type of music. I have appeared twice so far. 

 I like riding a bike because i feel free when i am on it. I learnt to ride when i was a little girl. 

Beside, i like skating , and i learnt it when i was a little girl as well.

I sometimes do finger paints. I empty tube on wherever i find, and draw spontaneously. Hence, the result is worth to see in my opinion of course.

 What I am doing these days is to teach history in a course. I have participate in this course on my friend's suggest. I am happy to be there because my students are magnificent. In addition, i love history as well, so i do not have in difficulty.

Furthermore, i want to be academician, and to globetrot.This is what i am. I have tried to sum my life up. These are what i did, what i am doing, what i do, and what i want to do.

Monday, November 10, 2014


  1.        We must either raise revenues or reduce expenses.

 2.        Stoics deny the importance of such things as wealth, good looks, and a good reputation.

3.        In his farewell address to the army, the general praised his soldiers for their unsurpassed courage and thanked them for their devotion.

4.        The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and angry.

5.        The police have a duty to serve the community, safeguard lives and property, protect the innocent against deception, and respect the constitutional rights of all.

6.        Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated English chemist, was an excellent literary critic as well as a great scientist.

7.        The Johnsons were cheerful, knowledgeable, and generous traveling companions.

8.        The delegates spent the day arguing with one another rather than working together to find common solutions.

9.        My sister's promotion means that she will be moving to another state and taking the children with her.

10.     A company is responsible not only to its shareholders but also to its customers and employees.

11.     Examples of aerobic exercises are distance running, swimming, cycling, and walking.

12.     Consuming too much of a fat-soluble vitamin can be as harmful as not consuming enough.

13.     The gyrocompass not only points to true north at all times but is unaffected by external magnetic fields.

14.     Everything that could make a sound was either removed or taped down.

15.     If you hire a contractor to make home improvements, follow these recommendations:
·         Find out if the contractor belongs to a trade association.
·         Obtain estimates in writing.
·         Ask for references.
·         Make sure that the contractor is insured.
·         Avoid contractors who ask for cash to dodge paying taxes.
16.     The new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.

17.     Annie's dress was old, faded, and wrinkled.

18.     By the time she was two, the child was not only active but also well coordinated.

19.     It is a truism that to give is more rewarding than to get.

20.     A battery powered by aluminum is simple to design, clean to run, and inexpensive to produce.

parallelism exercises

                                                             PARALLELISM EXERCISES

1. What great and healthy shape she is in!
2. The doctor wanted to find our Linda's blood and sugar level and why she was underweight.
3. Following a regular program of exercise is more beneficial for me than being on a fad died.
4. What I like best about my fitness center are the modern Lifecycle machines and a beautiful Olympic size swimming pool.
5. Not only Jim is healthy, but also he is athletic.
6. Due to his son's persistence and desire to lose 10 pounds, Frenk decided to join a fitness center.
7. When Richard realized that his eating habits were the cause of his illness, he began to plan his meals more conscientiously and carefully.
8. Julian decided to try a homeopathic treatment and to change his diet.
9. Shari really enjoys to go ocean kayaking and hiking in the desert.
10. This is a combination of vitamins that build up immune system and prevent infection from spreading.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

EXERCISES 26 27 28 correcting run on sentences


*Benjamin Franklin was an important political figure during the period of the American Revolution; he was a man of many other talents as well.

*He lived in Boston as a young man; there he learned the printing trade.

*Franklin published an almanac. He also experimented with electricity.

*Franklin started a university, in Philadelphia; he also started a lending library.

*Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence. He was also one of the signers of the peace treaty that in 1783 formally ended the American Revolution.


The earliest known zoo was the Park of Intelligence in the province of Hunan; it was started by a Chinese ruler about 1150 B.C. Today zoo facilities are limited, and zookeepers cannot keep every animal on display year-around. In the winter in colder climates, most birds must be brought indoors, but zookeepers cannot always keep each bird on view for the public. Many visitors are surprised to see that some animals remain outside all year; penguins, polar bears, and timber wolves are happy outdoors in wintertime. Some animals are always indoors in northern areas; reptiles and small desert animals always indoor displays. Zookeepers must provide indoor shelters for large animals such as elephants. How large those shelters must be! Today zoologists understand much more about animal behaviour, and zoos are being designed that are similar to the animals' natural habitats. Viewers can closely observe animals at animal parks; animals roam free / where animals roam free.Zoo kitchens keep a wide varietyof foods, and these are used to prepare meals that meet each animal's nutritional needs. Zoos contribute to wildlife conservation, and nurture species that are in danger of becoming extinct.



The biggest and the most popular of all Chinese festivals is The Chinese New Year which is an exciting and colorful holiday. The New Year is celebrated by Chinese people all over who fall anywhere between January 21 and February 19, and they parade through the streets and set off fireworks. People pay visits to friends; they wish them luck and prosperity with a greeting that means '' happy greetings! , and may you gather wealth! '' . On the final day of the year, preparations are made for a great New Year's Eve supper. All doors are sealed with paper strips, and no one may leaveor enter until the next morning. After the new year begins, businesses are closed for days. Children receive presents of money in red envelops; no wonder they look forward to this festival.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

sentence types anger management

                                                              SENTENCE TYPES

**  '' Anger Management'' is an awesome film.  ( simple )

**  A misunderstanding happens between Dave and security in airplane , and events become out of control provocatively.   ( compound )

**  Dr. Buddy treats him with the help of anger management therapy which is an  unusual method.          ( complex )

**  ''Anger Management'' was shot in 2003.  ( declarative )

**  Watch that film called ''Anger Management ''.  (  imperative )

**  What is the topic of Anger Management ? ( interrogative )

**  What an attractive film it is, woow ! ( exclamatory )

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014