Saturday, January 17, 2015

reflection task 2a save your language save your culture

As a most important part of communication, language should not be thought just for communication. Prof. Dr. Oktay Sinanoğlu says that '' our language is our identitiy.'' That is, language is associated with culture. Therefore, I want to inform you about culture and language relationship and its importance.. To save our culture has both personal and social significance to me. From the perspective of personal issue, the use of proper Turkish is very important for the sake of saving our identitiy, and from the perspective of social issue,  to save and to transmit culture is directly interrelated with language, so it is an important part of social issue. One person who understand the importance of language-culture relationship is Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK. Hence, he did a lot of revolutions on this issue and studied to save our culture. Moreover, according to Plato, language equals idea, so one nation's thinking system is nurtured by language. If this system crumbles, that notion has become to lose its identitiy and its values, and couldn't transmit its culture to another generation. Unfortunately, we are standing face to face with this problem. When we look at people around us, we can see the corrupt Turkish, and also we can see signboards, menus etc. including non-native names. This is, how shall I say, horrible, weird and saddening. How can we get rid of this problem? The answer is easy: find errors, correct them and propagate proper usages. Also, raise people to apprehend the problem. It is necessary to demonstrate them that to save our language equals to save our culture.


  1. Dear Ufku,
    I've read your reflection and and I think it's a good choice to discuss the use of our native language, Turkish. The problems you mentioned are those we are all familiar with, but unwilling to pay attention in our daily. Therefore, it's useful to tell it again to raise awereness. You supported your writing with impressive pictures which are really well-matched with your topic. You used language properly, however, in my opinion it's not a good idea to use ''etc'' in this writing and start a paragraph with ''as'', as well. Except from these, I couldn't find any problematic mistake. It is also excellent idea for you to iinclude well-known people's ideas and words in your reflection to make it more strong.

  2. your ideas are important for me thank you for all suggestions and your opinions :)
