Sunday, January 18, 2015

rewrite reflection task 1a

Hi! I am Ufku. I am talking about myself. I have three brothers, one of whom is younger than me. I gruduated from Ordu Anatolian Teaching High School. My department was English in high school.  I was born on 17 April 1995. I am aries! I like partipicate in activities; i am cheerful, ambitious and stubborn. I can socialize easily. Therefore, I was the chef of our school choir when i was in high school. I loved it, and i was a part of KTMT in METU last year.. We appeared once in KKM.

 I have learned to play the ' klasik kemençe', and i am going on for a year. I am not professional, but i am trying to play it.

I am attending  some lessons at Ankara University ' Faculty of Law'. Just for fun and for being with my friends. I am having joyful time when i am there.

 I sometimes go to exibitions and museums with my best friends.

5. I dedicate myself to clasical music because i love to listen and to sing this type of music. I have appeared twice so far. 

 I like riding a bike because i feel free when i am on it. I learnt to ride when i was a little girl. 

Beside, i like skating , and i learnt  how to do it when i was a little girl as well.

I sometimes do finger paints. I empty tube on wherever i find, and draw spontaneously. Hence, the result is worth to see in my opinion of course.

 What I am doing these days is to teach history in a course. I have participate in this course on my friend's suggest. I am happy to be there because my students are magnificent. In addition, i love history as well, so i do not have  difficulty in.

Furthermore, i want to be academician, and to globetrot.This is what i am. I have tried to sum my life up. These are what i did, what i am doing, what i do, and what i want to do.


  1. Dear Aylin;
    I have read your reflection task and I like it very much.I learned new things about you and I found them interesting.I also loved the pictures.They make your writing more colourful.In other words you chose really good pictures.I also want to say I loved your finger paint picture very much.Although I read your writing carefully I couldnt find any gramatical mistake.I think you paid attention to grammar rules and punctiations.I also couldnt find any irrelevant sentence.Shortly I loved your reflection task.I read it with great pleasure.

  2. thank you very much honey. i am very happy to read these good comments :)
